Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)

Optimizing DevOps Practices with Advanced CI/CD Automation


Years of experience in IT


Shorter time-to-market delivery

- 5%

Average failure rate achieved

About CI/CD thinking

CI/CD stands as a pivotal component in the DevOps methodology, particularly beneficial for companies embracing an agile approach. By dismantling silos between management, development, operations, and quality assurance departments, it fosters collaboration toward common objectives.

Furthermore, CI/CD translates collective efforts into an automated process, encompassing application build, comprehensive test coverage, and swift zero-downtime deployment.

In the realm of modern software development, the emphasis lies on delivering source code to the production environment frequently and seamlessly. Tirzok specializes in implementing continuous integration and continuous delivery practices, empowering your developers to deploy applications and introduce new features with minimal time and effort.

Benefits of CI/CD


Once configured, Continuous Integration (CI) ensures a consistent level of quality for your application, demanding minimal effort beyond the addition of new features.


CD guarantees that the delivery process is automated, staging environments match production, and there's always an option to rollback not just to the previous state but to any state that has ever existed!


CI/CD necessitates collaboration among development, operational, management, and QA teams on technologies, practices, and priorities, eliminating the blame culture and the shift of guilt between different sides.


Continuous deployment ensures that customers gain quicker access to new features and bug fixes, while developers receive immediate feedback on the changes they implement.


The shorter Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR) attributed to CI/CD practices results from deploying smaller code batches, enabling swift fault isolation.


Deploying code in small batches ensures that all changes undergo automated tests, leading to a lower bug rate.

Our CI/CD  Expertise

  •  Tooling definition and selection
  •  End-to-end implementation
  •  Maintenance and optimization
  •   CI/CD strategy design and roadmapping
  •  Tech stack selection 
  •  CI/CD implementation
  •   Maintenance and optimization
  •  Current infrastructure evaluation, elimination of bottlenecks
  • CI/CD pipelines audit
  • Consulting and control of the execution   

When Choosing our DevOps Consulting

Cost Efficient

Our skilled engineers will enhance resource utilization, minimize waste, and create value.

Faster Time to Market

We expedite your software delivery with an agile approach. Through CI/CD pipelines and automation, we optimize processes, remove bottlenecks, and ensure faster deliveries.

Scalability and Flexibility

We guarantee the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your sensitive information during both the development and operational processes.

Enhanced Collaboration

We foster an approach that dismantles silos, promotes knowledge sharing, and facilitates effective collaboration, ensuring successful outcomes for your projects.

Data Security

We ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your sensitive information throughout the development and operational processes.

Customer Experience

We enhance your software delivery, ensuring swift feature releases, timely bug fixes, and continuous improvements.

More About CI/CD

CI/CD in DevOps

Achieving substantial growth, a constant expectation from shareholders and CEOs, places daily pressure on development and operations teams. In reality, consistent growth is attainable through the implementation of stringent organizational practices, such as DevOps with automated CI/CD pipelines.

Continuous integration and deployment serve as the fundamental components for establishing a DevOps environment, involving uninterrupted automation along with alerting, monitoring, and reporting throughout the application/software lifecycle.

CI and CD and the other CD

Understanding the principles of the CI/CD approach begins with defining its components. Continuous Integration (CI) involves the automated process for the development team, emphasizing regular code changes or the addition of new features alongside automated testing.

Continuous Delivery and Deployment (CD) can be combined under the umbrella term, representing the process of automated testing, code merging in the repository, and subsequent automated code delivery to production. Alternatively, some specialists differentiate between continuous delivery, denoting the path of new code changes to the repository, and continuous deployment, signifying the automated deployment to production.

About our CI/CD Managed Services

Building CI/CD from the ground up involves more than just automating tests and deployments. It's a comprehensive process where teams come together to define workflows, critical path scenarios, and deployment strategies aligned with business requirements and team expectations.

This collaborative planning phase is crucial in CI/CD implementation. Once established, the technical aspects follow, including test automation, rollout and rollback design, scaling, and monitoring.

CI/CD Optimization

While CI/CD is an entirely automated process, it requires periodic updates to accommodate new features or changes in business logic. Additionally, updates from Cloud or CI/CD providers may impact pipelines, workflows, or budgets. Tirzok takes pride in offering CI/CD enhancements to address these scenarios and ensure the system remains optimized.

CI/CD Consulting

Clients turn to us for expert advisory services on continuous integration and deployment for various reasons:

  • Lack of clarity on how to commence and the essentials needed.

  • Determining the most suitable tools for their requirements.

  • Designing or redesigning an automation pipeline and automated tests.

  • Seeking education on CI/CD best practices and knowledge transfer.

Our professional DevOps team at Alpacked is equipped to guide you in integrating CI/CD best practices into your company. Experience the advantages of reduced Time-to-Market (TTM) for your code and feature deployments, along with an optimized delivery and build process.

Achieve a seamless delivery pipeline by leveraging DevOps to build, test, and release high-quality code efficiently.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Our extensive experience spans various teams with diverse workloads, providing us with a broad perspective on building comprehensive CI/CD solutions. Unlike companies focused on mid-sized clients, we've tackled large projects where we created bespoke CI/CD systems based on existing ones.

Handling a substantial number of commits and pushes necessitates an event-driven CI/CD system with appropriate triggers and waiting queues, ensuring a streamlined process without complicating developers' lives.

We refrain from recommending specific tools as the landscape is dynamic, but as of now, Jenkins and GitlabCI are recognized leaders.  However, the CI/CD ecosystem is evolving, especially with the rise of Kubernetes and the GitOps approach. Emerging tools like Jenkins X, ArgoCD, Flux, and Spinnaker cater to these changes.

The critical criteria for selecting a CI/CD tool include its ease of customization and the extent of customization required. The choice heavily depends on the specific needs of a company or product. For instance, a simple tool like TravisCI might suffice for building and deploying a Ruby code, while a company dealing with a complex system of 100 microservices might lean towards Jenkins for its capacity to incorporate custom logic into the CI/CD process.

These terms, Continuous Delivery (CD) and Continuous Deployment (CD), are commonly confused, revealing the depth of an engineer's understanding of CD processes. The key distinction lies in the level of automation in the pipeline. Continuous Delivery implies a fully automated pipeline without manual intervention. Everything, from code integration to deployment, is automated.

On the other hand, Continuous Deployment allows for full automation as well, but with a crucial difference. It involves an approval procedure, a manual step where someone pushes the metaphorical red button, authorizing the deployment. While not inherently bad, Continuous Deployment is essential for certain systems or platforms, particularly when a manual checkpoint is necessary before delivering new versions to end-users.

Certainly, the QA (Quality Assurance) team plays a pivotal role in establishing a robust Continuous Delivery (CD) system. While Continuous Integration predominantly falls under developers' responsibilities, ensuring code quality is flexible based on company principles. However, when transitioning to Continuous Delivery/Deployment, substantial involvement from the QA team becomes crucial.

It's the QA team's responsibility to ascertain that a new version brings more positive outcomes than negatives. The decision to deploy or not hinges on their evaluation. Whether this evaluation process is manual or automated is less important. The key is to avoid assuming that developers alone can guarantee the quality of their code. There should always be a specialist, typically from the QA team, to ensure this.

Certainly, there's no mandate to automate every aspect of your system. While comprehensive test coverage is valuable, resource limitations might necessitate a strategic approach. Consider automating around the most fundamental and critical logic of your application or platform.

This enables you to save valuable QA team time between releases, allowing them to concentrate on the remaining crucial cases. Even with limited resources, you can ensure that your application works as expected. Automated notifications of any discrepancies can be triggered, preventing potential issues before releasing to production.

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