Container Orchestration Services

A variety of services to help your business overcome challenges and thrive.


Years of experience in IT


Shorter time-to-market delivery

- 5%

Average failure rate achieved

About Container Orchestration

Over the past few years, there's been a major shift in the software landscape. Docker containers have become the norm, revolutionizing local development and setting a standard. Embracing lighter, agile container-based app delivery allows businesses to embrace top-notch DevOps practices.

This translates to quicker development cycles, efficient cloud resource utilization, and speedy containerized app performance. Additionally, the operations team can effortlessly roll out new versions across development, staging, and production stages with minimal effort.

Benefits of Containerization


Our apps and resources are kept separate and distinct, eliminating the need for cleanup after removing an app.


Idle environments are history thanks to Docker's orchestration tools, which optimize available RAM and CPU units, ensuring you pay only for what you utilize.


CI/CD processes in Docker containers make environment versioning effortless, allowing seamless rollback to previous database or web server versions.


Docker's single-process-per-container approach creates self-descriptive environments and defaults to being Infrastructure as Code (IaC).


Platform differences are irrelevant with Docker—whether it's Windows, Linux, Cloud, On-Premises, or FPGA, the outcomes remain consistent, eliminating the "It works on my machine" issue.


Enhanced security through namespace and network segregation ensures complete isolation of processes within containers.

Our Expertise

  •  Containerization services
  •  Container Orchestration in Cloud
  •  Container Orchestration on-prem
  •   Container Management Services (AWS, GCP, Azure etc.)
  •  Evaluation of current infrastructure, bottleneck elimination 
  •  Selection of tech stack
  •   Containerization using Docker and Kubernete
  •  Maintenance and optimization
  • Infrastructure health audit
  • Kubernetes consulting   

When Choosing our DevOps Consulting

Cost Efficient

Our seasoned engineers enhance efficiency, cut waste, and add value.

Faster Time to Market

Using CI/CD pipelines and automation, our agile method speeds up software delivery, streamlines processes, and boosts speed.

Scalability and Flexibility

Scalability is ensured, letting you adapt easily to meet customer demands and foster business growth.

Enhanced Collaboration

Breaking down silos, promoting knowledge sharing, and fostering collaboration drives successful project outcomes.

Data Security

We prioritize the security of your sensitive data, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability throughout development and operations.

Customer Experience

Optimizing software delivery means quicker feature releases, rapid bug fixes, and ongoing improvements.

More About Container Orchestration


Containerized apps provide a remarkable increase in productivity compared to virtual machines when handling the same number of app instances. By segmenting apps into microservices within separate Docker containers, security, scalability, and monitoring for production environments become more manageable.

Containers simplify load balancing by enabling various microservices to scale independently based on workload, ensuring optimized spending for cloud-based IT operations.

Cloud-based Container Orchestration

Guidance is provided to evaluate your existing cloud solutions, customizing recommendations to fit your specific requirements. This includes assistance for both simple setups and robust, high-load projects utilizing advanced Kubernetes features.

On-Premises Container Orchestration

Ensuring the establishment of resilient infrastructure that aligns with security standards, particularly for sectors like Healthcare or Government. This is achieved despite limitations in Kubernetes or Docker Swarm capabilities.

Security Measures

Assistance is offered in implementing crucial security measures such as isolation principles, continuous security updates, and RBAC configurations for your Container Orchestration tool, ensuring a secure operational environment.

Audit, Consulting, and Optimization

Expert support is provided to address issues such as downtimes, protracted deployments, or unwieldy Docker images. Guidance is offered to facilitate the final stages leading to complete Containerization adoption.

Containerization & Migration

Leveraging specialized knowledge in containerization to establish a strong foundation for migrating to a Container-Orchestrated environment without extensive reworking.

Infrastructure Enhancement with Tirzok Experts

Utilizing K8S certified teams to enhance container management practices, aiding in the formulation of a well-structured container deployment strategy, orchestrating container infrastructure, and optimizing deployment efficiency, security, and seamlessness.

Effortlessly improve your delivery pipeline by implementing DevOps to build, test, and release top-notch code.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have other questions? Email us at:

Every platform boasts unique methodologies for container management, offering control over container operations, clustering, and application execution.

Tools like Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, or AWS ECS streamline workflows and facilitate the creation of intricate architectures using the abstractions inherent in each orchestration tool.

Managing a large number of containers can be challenging for IT teams, leading to inefficient resource utilization and unreliable infrastructures. Without proper management or relying solely on manual intervention, the infrastructure becomes fragile.

Many companies face issues like manual steps, inadequate environment variables, and version discrepancies among related application components in their daily operations due to insufficient container control. Alpacked's container management ensures efficient and secure application operation, even under heavy workloads, offering a solution to these challenges.

Before Docker, containerization technologies like LXC and OpenVZ existed but didn't achieve the same level of success. Docker's popularity stems from its simplicity and ease of setup across Linux, Mac, and Windows systems.

Additionally, Docker's role as the primary manager of the OCI brought much-needed standardization to containers. While it's easily set up on various machines, it's particularly recommended for Linux environments.

Let's arrange a free consultation

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